Re: [Fwd: Re: Xhosa GNOME translation project]

On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 16:52, Dwayne Bailey wrote:
> Hi Roozbeh,
> Thanks for the info. updated all the South African
> language locales for glibc.  There are listed here 
> I'm not sure what needs to be done to get them into the CLDR perhaps you
> can help us.

The main idea is something like: you create a locale based on the format
they would want it to be in, which is called a Locale Data Markup
Language (<>), possibly using the
date files in their CVS repository
(<>) as examples. The
best recommendation is of course getting yourself acquainted with the
whole CLDR website, at <>.

Then you provide sources and references for every bit of data that could
be verified somewhere (books, URLs, etc). You test it, and then you post
it through their bug database

Please note that for CLDR 1.3 timeline the deadline for getting the data
to the consortium is Jan 15, 2005. It will be a later version if you
send it to them later than that (although it may be postponed to a later
version even if you provide the info on time, based on how they wish to
confirm the data).

I am available if you encountered any difficulties, since I have started
to participate in the weekly meetings since last Tuesday.

> As far as the info you are looking for: Xhosa is spoken in South Africa
> with 6 million plus speakers and in Lesotho < 18,000 speakers.  It is
> written in a standard 26 letter Latin alphabet.

Thanks a lot. It seems that I was already correct for Xhosa:

		<language type="xh" scripts="Latn" territories="LS ZA"/>


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