2.12 Release Notes ready for translation

The release notes are now ready for translation, giving
you one week for translation before the release on September 7th. The
release notes are now string frozen, and only the gnome-i18n
co-ordinators may decide to break that freeze.

We are using the xml2po system again, after it worked so well last time.
If the build isn't broken, you can see your translated versions here:

Don't ignore the big red warning here, please:

There are some instructions here, and you should feel free to improve

Maybe you can reuse some strings from your previous .po files. This
time, the files are in gnomeweb-wml instead of releng.

Many thanks for the hard work on the release notes and the hard work to
translate GNOME itself. Let's show the world what you've done.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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