Re: New team for Iranian Azerbaijani (az_IR)

Metin Amiroff wrote:

Thanks Pablo for a great read.

Pablo Saratxaga wrote:

Now, the question is, would "az_IN" users be ok with such fallback?
(that is, if no translation in arabic scritp exists, but an Azeri
translation in latin script do exist, is it better than plain English?)
If it is ok, then there is no need to change anything;
however if that is not ok, there may be a problem.

If I was an Iranian Azeri, that would cause absolutely no problem to me as seing something in my native language, especially in a country where "Azeri language had been removed from official use in all areas, including, schools, courts, government structures, and the army and specific forms of Azeri cultural expression are prohibited as well [1]"
Gnome would even make me happier displaying some azeri in latin.

However, I am not that person, and that is only my personal opinion.

I'd like to hear Amir's thoughts about this, and how they would like to see their untranslated or missing translations. If they choose to see English instead of Latin Azeri, it is absolutely no problem with me to switch to az_AZ globally (Danilo, I always use az_AZ by the way).



The fact is that I myself use English Desktop. I have got used to use English in computer. On the other hand the fact that both Persian and Azari exist in the supported languages makes me happy(I sometimes test them).

Having a Desktop environment in Azeri with Arabic script makes different sence for me.

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