Re: political topic [sorry]

<quote who="Mathieu Lacage">

> While I do understand the reason why this has been put on the front page,
> it feels to me the Gnome project should avoid such direct references to
> events which do not fall within the scope of issues related to free
> software.
> The main reason is that the exact filter used to select which tragic
> events deserve to be put on the front page could (should ?) be the subject
> of a lenghty debate (I will not start one here) so it might be nice to
> avoid the issue altogether.

My mind is not fully made up on the matter, but I will say this: When I
receive a "patch" for the website that expresses a widely-held concern of
the GNOME community - be it tragedy, congratulations or demonstration - I
feel compelled to commit it. It's not a filter as such - the fact is that
someone cared enough to suggest it, and it *is* a widely held concern in
this community.

Examples in recent times include a memorial statement for Chema, Ettore and
Mark; the Madrid bombing; celebration of GNOME releases and a demonstration
against patents in Europe.

I've been accused of political correctness over the flag and release naming
issues, but I don't believe I feel the same way in this instance.

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway          
   "People keep asking me why we aren't married, and he says, 'Every time
   I am about to ask you, you do something annoying'." - Kate Beckinsale

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