Re: Daemons [Was: gob inside gnome-vfs ...]

On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 04:23, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Alexander Larsson">
> > Can we please have some sort of password/authentication caching daemon. 
> Hmm. Perhaps there should be some discussion at the summit about user
> daemons, where they're appropriate, and how many we have. GNOME 2.0 already
> has a whole bunch.
> They're a bit of a pain from an administrative and support perspective,
> things like oafd/bonobo processes lying around (Michael says the b-a one
> cane be fixed now, with some careful thought), gconfd versions,
> gnome-settings-daemon running or not, etc.

I would propose we create a single super-daemon which you can write
"plugins" for (that run in their own threads). It can include basic
lifecycle code and other code snippets that often have to be written for
user daemons. This will make the task of writing user daemons (of which
we have not as many as I think we should, they are sufficiently painful
to write that we don't have some in areas where they would be useful)
easier, as well as solving the problem of a proliferation of small
daemon processes.


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