Re: Dollars for Hackertime?

<quote who="Bastien Nocera">

> I'm interested in that, but I haven't got a clue how it could be arranged.

Mmm. Paypal? They're getting a bad rap recently... Some kind of contract
would be appropriate too, to keep everyone happy.

> What kind of work would it be anyway ?

Hackin' up features for critical GNOME components, basically. I'm asking
this for two reasons:

  1) I want to know for my own dastardly plans. :-)

  2) It's probably a good idea to publicise this stuff so that GNOME
  supporting consultants and companies can be paid to hack on GNOME, in
  direct response to user or customer requirements.

Might be worthwhile to put on the website or something. Up to the board as
to whether it's appropriate or not (I don't know why it wouldn't be, but

- Jeff

                W.O.R.K: Weekend Over, Resume the Killings.                 

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