Re: Quo vadis, GNOME? (was: Getting Bugzilla support into Bug-buddy)

On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 03:25:13AM -0500, Alan Cox wrote:
> If things continue as they do then once the foundations rot through, which isnt
> that far off, the entire edifice will come tumbling down.

  Will all due respect, Alan, you start seriously pissing me off.
I usually take great care of your opinion, but you just don't stop
pushing the idea that this is rotten, that all this is garbage and
will fall down in piece **WITHOUT ASSERTING THE REASONS**.
  I'm sorry but this just demotivate people. If you think this
project must be led in a different way, plase speak in a constructive
manner. Even better, candidate to the board and help us (which
you took great care to avoid).
  It's good to have people tell you what's wrong in a project,
but just saying "I predict this gonna break and go down in flames"
is just what it is predictions. I don't belive in oracles, nor god,
show me some logic and I may follow, and try to fix well identified

> As to the other point. I agree a GNU project should not be demanding personal
> data and registrations. I don't think I'd go as far as trying to get people
> to scrub logos and stuff off. Eazel wrote nautilus (well most of it) and
> Ximian wrote most of Evolution. There is a difference between tasteful
> credit and blatant advertising/commercialism but you can go too far in both
> directions

  I don't run nautilus nor evolution, that may be the reason why I'm
off track. I think that if there is some blatant advertizing large logos
or what else, well I won't use them in the future, as will other users.
Doesn't mean that the contributed code from the Organizations won't
be reusable, so what's the point ? Eazel, Ximian, Red Hat, Sun or IBM
can die anyday due to some stupidity in the stock market, earthquake
or whatever, I don't even give it a sight as long as the code is there
and reusable.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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