
Kenny Graunke <kenny whitecape org> writes:

> (1) The page should load faster for people over slow modems, especially since 
> this is all just text anyhow...
> (2) The pages shouuld be easier to use in text based web browsers, such as 
> lynx or links.
> (3) The links look and behave like links on every other page, whereas in the 
> image map, they only look like grey text - no underlining, inconsistent 
> coloring, no changes when you hover over the link, or have visited it 
> already, or are clicking on it...

We had many of these discussions when this header was first made:

First, the size of the image shows that it is really not a
modem-buster.. maybe I'm wrong here but...

$ls -l-rw-rw-r-- 1 dcm dcm 3571 Apr 30 17:53 NewsHeader

Second, if you are using a text browser you know how to get to the
places throughout and please don't tell me that newbies use
text browsers - its just bull.

Third, people are smarter about the web than they ever have been, and
links lacking color (and imagemaps) have been common for years. Plus,
the old image had more than just anti-aliasing... it had spacing, good
link names, and a good number of links. By the way, the new image
doesn't look much different with anti-aliased fonts anyway.

I just have to re-iterate that it is just a better looking image to
me. I am not sure out of everything on that needs
fixing, why this would be on top of the list anyway. Lets get a look
and feel that will cross all of our sites and implement that instead
of picking one image, that IMO is one of the better ones we have.



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