Re: libxml2 in gnome 1.4

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 12:28:41PM -0500, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> >   Reverting changes, no way. We may not ship head now but people
> > must fix their bugs. One of the 2 key points I said I would support
> > when running for the Board elections were conformance to standard
> > and improve I18N handling. This change is a huge improvement in both
> > directions, I won't step back without getting the feeling that a
> > majority of people want to step back.
> I of course do not want a step back, and my system is running happilly
> with the new libxml, I have not noticed any problems (although spanish
> lives happily in a latin-1 universe, maybe that is why I see no
> problems).
> As I said before, I am very interested in interoperability with other
> XML systems. The correctness in libxml1 is important to me.  I would
> really like to have your permission to ship libxml1 with Ximian GNOME,
> as this was the kind of work we wanted to do anyways for the release.

  Well this seems clearly premature, please don't to it yet.

> We also need to figure out what the problems are with the new libxml1
> (so I would appreciate if Maciej actually provided a detailed list of
> the known problems)

  yes I expect Ximian to be able to help fixing the problems which
are popping up at the application level. Time has come to make some
cleanups, when the cleanups will be done then I will accept to make a
1.8.12 release (with whatever stuff is needed to keep everything rolling
at that point).
   If you agree then the road is clearly defined for everybody,


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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