Re: GNOME 2.0 conversation

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 07:36:10PM -0500, Jody Goldberg wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 12:37:00PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > 
> > A couple people mentioned GNOME Office as a feature of the release. My
> > opinion is that this should be a separate issue from the GNOME desktop
> > release, though the GNOME Office team may want to coordinate with the
> > desktop release. I'm not sure how many people would agree or disagree.
> > We didn't discuss this in detail.
> Do we have a 'GNOME Office team' ?
> This is definitely a topic that I'd like to see explored at GUADEC.
> Some discussions with people from the major applications would be a
> good starting point.

Hopefully it can be explored here on the lists too, since not everyone
will be a GUADEC.  But this is an important discusion.  

The last time this was brought up, there was lots of flamage, and no
real conclusions.  The only resolution I saw was that the current
GNOME office would stay in GNOME 1.4, since there weren't other
options available in the timeframe.  That conclusion has been borne
out. (Question: Is there a deadline for other apps to be in 1.4?)

However, about GNOME 2.0, the board members, etc seemed to punt in the
last discussion.  However, this issue does need to be moved forward in
some way, if only to begin to develop criteria for determining the
contents of GNOME office in GNOME 2.0.  

Hopefully the discussion can generate more light and less heat this
	sam th		     
	sam uchicago edu
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