Re: [Re: Document-based applications]

murrayc usa net (2001-04-12 at 1833.11 +0100):
> About the 'Could not be opened': I hope that it is never shown just like that,
> but the fact is that most apps will not check every error code or exception,
> but that they need to have SOME fallback. I am saying that there WILL be one
> of these dialogs in every app's code, so it should be a standard one.

Then can you be evil? "The document can not be opened and the coder
did not put anything to explain why, sorry" message would be fine. ;]

OK a more serious and polite version, but the user must know there is
an error, and it can not be explained. Maybe even with a "report bug"
option, asking the user what he did so the coders can fix it.


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