Re: actual proposal

> Purpose: Provide a consistent way to close simple popup-windows
> Why:    Apart from consistency, you never  know which windowmanager people
>         are using. They might even  be using none at all (running X on an
>         older laptop for a single purpose often is done that way. for screen
>         real-estate reasons more than performance). Therefore, you should
>         never rely on external means to close popup-windows. So you need
>         to provide a means yourself and this has to be consistent with other
>         applications or  the  user will  be hunting around for the close
>         button until frustration.

"Close" is ambiguous. An [ OK ] button closes a window. So does a [
Cancel ] button. 

> How:    Every window that requires no interaction (dialogs are treated in
>         chapter X, item Y)  has to have a  single button labeled "Close".
>         "Close" is also used in GNOME applications to close single documents
>         in contrast to exiting the whole application, so the user will not
>         be confused to the  effect of this button.
>         This button has to be at the very buttom of the window, either (in
>         small windows) expanded to fill it's entire width [example screenshot]
> 	or located at the bottom-right [screenshot] for windows so large
>         that an expanded button looks bad. (Author decision)
>         The Close button has to have focus so that the user can close the
>         popup window by hitting "return".
>         "ESC" also has to close the window.

Unnecessary and unenforcable. Depending upon the context in which the
pop-up appears, something either must be OK'ed, or Cancelled. This is the
whole reason why the pop-up occurs in the first place-To command the users
attention, and/or to provide the user with a means to render a decision
for that program.

Common bindings are ESC = Cancel & back out, Enter = Execute
selected/highlighted item. Dont stray from them.

I write what I write, to let you know precisely whats wrong with a
particular idea, in hopes that you'll fix it. I dont write to bash.


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