Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

Ray Mar <> wrote:
> Well then if that really is the case, then perhaps you should switch to all
> icons then? If the desktop is inconsistant it's only going to take the new
> user that much more time to learn it. Most people can infer what "Program"
> means, but most people aren't going see a foot and think "Ahhh Program." If
> the user knows it is an all icon based desktop they will know they have to
> use a little more creative thinking.

I don't think this is the point, even though it has indeed been stated this
morning that an all-icon interface can be easier for the user.

however, the point is that the foot doesn't need to mean "Program" to the
user. that's just a name it has been given because it should have a name at

important is that it's contents are consistent and make sense to the user.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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