Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

Bowie Poag wrote:
> UISG Compliancy Levels are not constructed on the premise of "suggested
> but not manditory." Such reccomendations are done on a section by section
> basis, not within the Compliancy Level definitions. Read a few posts back,
> something with a subject line similar to "A few thoughts on Compliancy
> Levels"..

Hmmmm.  So do the UISG compliancy levels have any distinctive
character that separates each one from the others?  Does each
level have its own identity?  Or is the UISG system a flat
continuum from "most esteemed" to "least esteemed", with four
lines drawn in the sand, equidistantly from each other, to divide
the continuum into five equal parts?

Can you look at an app, eyeball it, and get a "feel" for which
level it would fit in?  Or do you have to go paging through the
UISG, looking for where the cutoff points are?


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