Re: Menu Ideas

John R Sheets <> wrote:
> > i cast my vote for the document/file/picture menu. "print picture" makes
> > a complete, clear sentence and therefore makes logical sense.
> Me too.  I like the idea that menu selections should make simple, intuitive,
> real-language statements.  Of course, the problem with this is that it requires
> all top-level menus to be verbs, and all submenus to be nouns.

ok, let's leave out the last sentence and work on that later, but the layout
with "Program" left, then a "File" menu that can be renamed to something app
specific is that way in the RSG right now and will be put online in a few
there have been a few more changes, so I recommend everyone should take a
look. I'll post the url again as soon as it's there.

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