-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: RGSG

>Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
>> Well, we can't have file->close in one menu and application->quit in
>> another, if only because microsoft screwed up so much and made "close"
>> to "close window",
>pardon, but are you really saying that because M$ created a bad interface
>cannot create a good one?

I like the solution now of spelling out Close, to clean up after Microsoft's
little mess.

>> So, since we establish we can't really have both an app menu and a file
>> menu, we have to pick.
>no, we don't. I have not yet seen anyone on the whole list except you who
>wanted to remove the file menu. nobody does. there are things you can do in
>an app that work on that app, and there are things that work on the current

Renaming a file menu = removing the file menu.

>aside from that, NOBODY in the whole discussion asked for the removal of
>file menu. don't argue against the "Program" menu by suddenly introducing
>new concepts as if they'd been a natural part of the proposal from the
>beginning. they aren't.

OK, let me see here, so we'll have a Document menu AND a File menu?  What
the heck?

>the current "Program" menu proposal asks for an ADDITIONAL menu to the left
>of "File" that would take "Exit" from the file menu, but leave it alone
>please make clear if you're referring to this proposal, or a totally
>different one that wants to REPLACE the file menu. we need to know we're
>talking about the same thing if talking shall make any sense.

This is the problem when you don't quote enough:  People don't remember what
you're responding to.  E-mail me privately if you want references to what
I'm referring to, I'm not responding to myself here.

Anyway, I did some research.  What do you think about it?  I'll ask more

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