Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

> > Again, i'm tempted to say that it looks like you want the Style Guide's
> > development to be a closed process, Tom.. Do clarify that for me, why you
> > think adding the general public into the decision-making process, in
> > addition to the mailing list, is NOT a good idea?
> it is a good idea. BUT - all the announcements sounded very, very much like
> the list is not really important, but irc is. look at them. you'll disclose
> the style guide to the irc conference first, not to the list. just as an
> example.

I, in no way, intended to put across that message. I'm kinda puzzled how
*anyone* could come away with that idea--especially considering the
Conference was announced to the mailing list a full day ahead of the
accompanying announcements of Freshmeat & Slashdot.

The announcement was meant to sound informal, and fun, to guarantee the
highest turnout.

> I always thought this list was dedicated to the purpose of coming up with
> something styleguidish. now suddenly we're the people who just watch? see
> the problem?

No. I see you walking around with a totally distorted idea in your mind
about what we're doing. Stop by the Conference webpage and pick up the
Conference Guide. It explains exactly whats going on later today, and

> so at least don't forget to post something to the list that will allow
> anyone who did not attend the irc thing to catch up to whatever happened
> there. thanks.

I'm going to be too busy handling the mob and making sure the right people
get heard to be concerned with recording a log. I'll see what I can do, as
I know theres alot of interest in such a thing, especially among Euro
folks who wont be able to stay up past their bedtimes. :)


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