Re: need proofreading/editing?

On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 04:02, Pat Costello wrote:
> As for 
> factual inaccuracy, ah yes, that is a different bag of worms. Given the 
> fast-forward Darwinian-style development of most of the applications and the UI, 
> the documentation is forever doomed to chase the goalposts, like some latter-day 
> Flying Dutchman. Talk about mixed metaphors...

One of the things I have tried hard to do is to regularly remind
developers that when they change the UI, they need to communicate this
to the person responsible for the docs. Pat's right, and Darwinian is a
good word. So if the docs are yours and you weren't told, but sure to
make the developer feel at least a little bit nagged.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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