Help build v2!

We're trying to get the next version of the gnome website built, and there
are several areas that need to be written. :) What better place to turn
than the gnome writers? There are two things in particular I'm trying to
get written:

the "Find out what GNOME is" section: About a page's worth of introduction
to what gnome is and what it's trying to do. Explain what the GNOME
acronym means, the fact that gnome is a free desktop for unix (not just
linux), the fact that it is part of the GNU project, etc. Feel free to
steal from the old gnome website, the front page having a bunch of what
I'm talking about. The bottom should segue into a bunch of links on where
to go from there, feel free to provide possibilities. Remember we're
trying to "sell" gnome with this page. (among others)

the "Learn to use GNOME" section: 5-10 pages worth of introduction to the
actual gnome environment, and how to learn more about it. This should be
on the level of "The GNOME footprint is the start menu that contains all
the programs." Well, maybe a bit higher, but not much. :) This should
include things like the control center, basic panel work, gnome-wide app
features,, the mailing-lists/irc, and pointers to the
in-depth help section. We should also be highlighting cool features here,
so add them as you think of them.

So, these are great weekend projects... :) The first one should be
trivial, and the second won't be too bad, either. I need them in some
format easily convertable to good-looking HTML. :) HTML works well...
although the words are the most important part, as I can format it myself.
Multiple submissions are welcome, and please post whatever you write to
the list so we can all discuss/revise/mangle it.


	David Fallon

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