Re: Yelp usability issues

> Currently we're trying to clean up yelp bugs in bugzilla a little.  In
> there, there are 2 bugs that require input from a usability perspective.
> 2. Should pressing / activate find (as well as pressing ctrl-F)?

I've just wandered around a few people here and asked them to search
for things in their web browser; some were Firefox people. The Firefox
people are about evenly divided between using / to search and using
Ctrl+F. (IE people were about evenly divided between Ctrl-F and using
the menus; no Firefox users used the menus). That being the case, I'm
inclined to suggest that people in general either (a) use Firefox and
use / or (b) don't know that / does anything and therefore don't press
it. Since it doesn't collide with anything else (as far as I know) I
can't see a downside to implementing it; vi people and Firefox people
may use it, and everyone else never presses it. All IMO, obviously.


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