Sarma: Live Documentation Editor (was Re: The User Guide Needs You)

Hi Shaun,

Yesterday at 23:19, Shaun McCance wrote:

> In the last few release cycles, our documentation has rotted.  It's been
> incredibly difficult to get new contributors hacking docs quickly, in
> part due to a high barrier to entry.
> In order to encourage collaborative editing, I've placed an outline for
> the User Guide on the wiki:

Though it's not really yet ready, what do you think if the following
editor will help lower the "barrier to entry":

(note, it only works with Gecko-enabled browsers! so perhaps it can
work from within Yelp as well: that would be an interesting hack,
don't you think? ;-)

Many a thing still needs exposing in the GUI (such as locking when
editing a paragraph, or ability to add new paragraphs, or looking at
diffs between revisions and document tags), but I only wonder if I am
going in the right direction.  Note that several users may contribute
at the same time.

Yeah, this won't help 2.12 efforts, which is why I am not replying to
gnome-doc-list, but here instead.  FWIW, if I have at least added
ability to insert new paragraphs, titles, tables and lists, this would
have probably helped right away (it's still better than the Wiki for
DocBook editing, IMHO :).


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