Bug status report

control-center (4 bugs):
   Grave (4 bugs)
    * #1903: Control-Center Screensavers
    * #1954: control-center-1.0.6
    * #2063: discarding "changes" to startup programs causes segfault
    * #2328: keyboard-properties seg faults under AccelX

gdm2 (1 bugs):
   Critical (1 bugs)
    * #2499: gdm2 works strangely with two servers

gnome-core (11 bugs):
   Grave (11 bugs)
    * #1284: gnome-session core dumps when home directory is a NFS mounted directory
    * #1737: sk titles, names, descriptions don't appear when they content national characters.
    * #1982: Session Manager doesn't save/read program attribs correctly
    * #1985: gnome-smproxy dumps core saving Netscape
    * #2006: Three things to be fixed
    * #2227: panel crashes when choosing a background pixmap in 16bpp
    * #2294: DeskGuide and Tasklist broken on Alpha
    * #2444: Tasklist jumps to wrong page with Fvwm 2.3.x
    * #2445: Changing panel direction makes tasklist go away (almost)
    * #2461: ssh in gnome-terminal not work
    * #2490: Deskguide will not start

gnome-libs (1 bugs):
   Grave (1 bugs)
    * #2463: gnome-libs-1.0.42 does not compile

gnome-media (5 bugs):
   Grave (5 bugs)
    * #509: gmix turns off cd sound
    * #764: After running gmix 3.0 cd sound can no longer be heard
    * #1079: gmix turns off left channel permanently
    * #1409: gmix cuts off cd audio 
    * #1929: Starting gmix kills CD sound.

gnome-pim (1 bugs):
   Grave (1 bugs)
    * #2043: Invalid times cause core dump in gnomecal

gnome-terminal (2 bugs):
   Grave (2 bugs)
    * #2304: gnome-terminal crash (first I have seen)
    * #2488: gnome-terminal-1.0.41 segfaults

imlib (1 bugs):
   Grave (1 bugs)
    * #2242: ImLib linking wierdness

mc (14 bugs):
   Critical (2 bugs)
    * #1965: gmc freezes
    * #2076: Incorrect window enlarging and resizing
   Grave (12 bugs)
    * #779: Clicking on a 'dead' mcfs link in gmc results in a deadlock
    * #899: Dragging from MC to the panel
    * #1669: mc 4.5.36 core dumps at launch
    * #1720: disk drives get mounted but not unmounted
    * #1858: GMC 4.5.37 doesn't accept drag & drop from netscape attachment pane correctly
    * #1893: GMC 4.5.37 segfaults after double-clicking on directory filenames in Icons view
    * #1928: [Wishlist] Add a 'trashcan' on the desktop.
    * #1932: gmc crashes immediately at starting, every time
    * #1990: <summarize bug in one line here>
    * #2153: gmc tree is unusable with smbfs
    * #2292: <summarize bug in one line here>
    * #2314: Gnome mc's built-in text viewer has a serious scroll bar problem

panel (6 bugs):
   Grave (6 bugs)
    * #1633: [bug] panel isn't properly auto-hided
    * #2367: panel crash
    * #2373: panel segfault if you keep adding fish
    * #2378: panel crash
    * #2479: Cannot add launchers to new drawer in 1.0.40
    * #2501: <summarize bug in one line here>

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