Re: [gnome-db] another gda config tool

> AFAIK, gda-config-tool also uses the gda_config API

No. Don't remember why exactly i did not use them. Probably because
write function are inmediately saved to file and because i wanted to be
able to edit the configuration in another file. The first one can be
solved with not much work, but the second no (at least without adding
more functions to gda-config.c).

But, well, most of the functions to access the xml file, search, etc...
are taken from gda-config.c

> yet another? we didn't have one and now we've got 2 :-) Anyway, I
> still think some of the things you've done in yagda coould be
> integrated into gda-config-tool.

Yesterday i added 3 options: one for assigning a name to the provider
(missing!) and a couple ofr listing the available and configures

I will add connection testing once i start working on the query mode.

- Gonzalo

Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

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