Re: [gnome-db]execSQL in Gnumeric

On 24 Jun 2001 19:08:59 +0200, Reinhard Mueller wrote:
> Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> > On 24 Jun 2001 01:30:04 -0400, Adam Williams wrote:
> >> GNU Enterprise is listed as a GNOME-DB application yet 
> >> GNOME-DB is mentioned no-where on their site that I could 
> >> find, and a search of "gnome-db" and "libgda" turned up 
> >> nothing. ?
> > 
> > they are supposed to be using libgda, AFAIK. Maybe they've changed their mind and
> > now won't be using libgda anymore. Reinhard?
> Yes, we wanted to use libgda. But then, as a result of the dependency 
> situation in the gnome world (gnome-xml, gtk, gnome-xml-i18n, oaf, 
> GConf, ORBit, just to name a few) we decided not to have libgda as the 
> _only_ way to access the database.
> Current versions of GNUe don't use libgda at all. We will probably wait 
> at least until glib 2.0 is widely used.
libgda based on glib 2.0 will also have those dependencies, of course without
gtk, but the other ones will still be required. And, if I get a bit far
with the libgda-bonobo (libgda based on libbonobo2), another dependency
would be added :-) (don't know yet if the port to libbonobo will ever
happen, I'm just experimenting in the libgda-bonobo CVS module, if you
want to take a look)

Maybe GConf might be dropped from the list, to allow for simple plain
text config files, but I'm not sure yet whether this would be good or
bad. Any opinion on this?

But ORBit, OAF and libxml will continue to be required. xml-i18n-tools
is not a problem, since this is just a compile-time dependency. Once you
make the tarballs, people don't need to have xml-i18n-tools installed,
since all files are added to the tarball.

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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