Madrid at night!

Hi all!

just to tell you that there is an expo-linux here in Madrid and Miguel
de Icaza came for it, so I went with him and other people for a drink in
the night. Some of the people in the "meeting" told me that they were
going to help gnome-db, specially one said he was going to do the
informix provider. I don't know if they told this because they were too
drunk (it was almost midnight), but just in case I tell you so that you

Also, some people told me about the* problem (yes, it
was my fault), so here is again the solution (I'll put it on the web
page as soon as I come back from Paris):

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
[ where x is the libgnomeprint version you've got in your system ]
rpm -Uvh --nodeps gnome....rpm

Don't be afraid to use '--nodeps' as it will still work. The only thing
is that RPM won't check for all the needed libs, but if you've got a
recent version of GNOME and gnome-print (any version) there won't be any

Ok, see you in Paris!

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