Re: Postgres provider to use gda-srv lib

On jeu, 06 jui 2000, you wrote:
> "Peter C. Norton" wrote:
> > 
> > I've started to re-write the db2 server to use the gda-mysql-server from
> > cvs, too.
> > 
> Great!
> > I agree on point 1, for case 2 can you provide a scenario where an unknown
> > type can come back out of the database, and why a varchar2 would be the
> > right datatype?  Are you thinking of a user-defined object? Dunno about 3
> > yet.
> > 
> Well, an unknown data type coming from the database shouldn't happen,
> but it CAN happen. Imagine for example the Oracle provider which is
> compiled (the RPM) against oracle 8.0.5. In future Oracle releases,
> there could be some new data types that the gda-oracle-srv is not aware
> of. And, I think treating it as a varchar is the right thing for some
> providers. For example, MySQL and PostgreSQL return data as strings, but
> now that I think, it could not be the right solution for other
> providers. What about the db2 server? how does it return data?

I thought about user defined data types, which for obvious reasons cannot be
taken care of in gnome-db. I think returning a Varchar is the least bad think
since Varchar is IMO the best way to describe something unknown (just put the
contents between quotes).


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