Re: An object becomes NULL somewhere


After talking with Sopwith about what a real bug report should look like,
I went and wrote a Java test program with only 70+ lines of code. (see
attached file You will need an ORB that supports
CORBA.Context, I used D.O.G.'s JavaORB 2.2.6.

However, this is not the end of the story. I also wrote an example program
using OmniORB and C++ (see attached file You'll need
OmniORB to generate the .hh files, of course. After running it, I got a
nice list of the properties supported by the control.

That means it's not ORBit behaving nasty here, but DOG's JavaORB. I'll
submit a bug report to them. Of course, I still don't know what's so
special about some Bonobo methods that they fail to work with JavaORB.

   .--= ULLA! =----------------------------.  finger
   \           \   for PGP public key
    `----------= =--'
A fejfájás a legtermészetesebb és legelterjedtebb fogamzásgátló.
#include <iostream>
#include "oaf.hh"
#include "bonobo-unknown.hh"
#include "bonobo-control.hh"
#include "bonobo-control-proxy.h"

#define TEST_IID "OAFIID:bonobo_entry:04e49c0b-95e2-4305-88a7-9f6721ddfa51"

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "omniORB2");

    if (argc < 2)
	cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <IOR>" << endl;
	return -1;

    // Get an object from OAF
    CORBA::Context_ptr ctx;
    orb->get_default_context (ctx);
    CORBA::Any any;

    any <<= "cactus";
    ctx->set_one_value ("username", any);
    any <<= "localhost";
    ctx->set_one_value ("hostname", any);
    any <<= "localdomain";
    ctx->set_one_value ("domainname", any);
    CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->string_to_object (argv[1]);
    OAF::ActivationContext_var oaf = OAF::ActivationContext::_narrow (obj);
    OAF::ActivationResult_var res = oaf->activate_from_id (TEST_IID, 0, ctx);
    CORBA::Object_var res_obj = res->res.res_object ();

    Bonobo::Unknown_var unknown = Bonobo::Unknown::_narrow (res_obj);
    Bonobo::Control_var control = Bonobo::Control::_narrow (
	unknown->query_interface ("IDL:Bonobo/Control:1.0"));
    Bonobo::PropertyBag_var prop_bag = control->get_property_bag ();

    Bonobo::PropertyList_var prop_list = prop_bag->get_properties ();
    for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < prop_list->length(); i++)
	cout << prop_list[i]->get_name () << endl;
    prop_bag->unref ();
    control->unref ();
    unknown->unref ();
    //, stringified object reference version

import org.omg.CORBA.*;
import OAF.*;
import Bonobo.*;

public class testorb
    public static Context create_context (ORB orb)
	    org.omg.CORBA.Context ctx = orb.get_default_context ();
	    org.omg.CORBA.Any val = orb.create_any ();

	    String hostname;
		hostname =;
	    } catch (Exception e)
		hostname = "localhost";
	    val.insert_string (hostname);
	    ctx.set_one_value ("hostname", val);
	    val.insert_string (System.getProperty(""));
	    ctx.set_one_value ("username", val);
	    val.insert_string ("");
	    ctx.set_one_value ("domainname", val);
	    return ctx;	    
    public static ActivationContext get_oaf (ORB orb) throws Exception
	    org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = null;
	    // Get the IOR
	    String filename = "/tmp/orbit-" +
		System.getProperty ("") +
	    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (filename));
	    String ior = br.readLine ();
	    // Create a CORBA object from the IOR
	    obj = orb.string_to_object (ior);
	    // Downcast it to an ActivationContext
	    return ActivationContextHelper.narrow (obj);

    static final String TEST_IID = "OAFIID:bonobo_entry:04e49c0b-95e2-4305-88a7-9f6721ddfa51";
    static void main (String argv[])
	    try {
		ORB orb = ORB.init ();
		ActivationContext actx = get_oaf (orb);
		Context ctx = create_context (orb);
		ActivationResult res = actx.activate_from_id (TEST_IID, 0, ctx);

		Bonobo.Unknown unknown =
		    Bonobo.UnknownHelper.narrow (res.res.res_object());
		Bonobo.Control control = Bonobo.ControlHelper.narrow
		    (unknown.query_interface ("IDL:Bonobo/Control:1.0"));

		Bonobo.PropertyBag prop_bag = control.get_property_bag ();
		if (prop_bag == null)
		    System.err.println ("This is where the error occurs");
		    prop_bag.unref ();

		control.unref ();
		unknown.unref ();
	    } catch (Exception e) {
		System.err.println("ERROR : " + e) ;

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