Some questions on using OAFAID


I have a CORBA server and client running on separate physical machines. I would
like the client to activate a server object by query, similar to:
obj = oaf_activate ("repo_ids.has('IDL:Test:1.0')", NULL, 0, NULL, &ev);

The above query works when the server is running on the same machine as the
client since the server .oafinfo has an IID entry in it, but I haven't been
successful for the separate machines case - I figure I'll have to use OAFAID

* Is this as simple as having the right OAFAID entry in the .oafinfo file ? If
so, is the syntax similar to the following:  <oaf_server iid=".." location=".."
aid="..">. Or does the AID replace the IID ?

* Does the server also have to register with oaf in a special way ? Note that I
already have oafd running with --od-domain and --ac-activate..

Will appreciate any help. Thanks.


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