Re: Mozilla - like JAWS or like Hal?

Hi Luke,

>> ...
2. In addition to your suggestions, think about how to implement them; and for the programmers out there, consider submitting patches to the
mozilla or gnopernicus code bases (or both) to implement the features you
would like to have.  This is an open source, community effort;
contributions of patches are most welcome!

Both code bases are quite big, especially Mozilla. How do we know where to start looking for the code that we need to work on?

Excellent question! A good place to start is to ask, in the bug. E.g. "I think Gnopernicus Braille should do such and such. I'm happy to do that work; can you please tell me what module(s) I should look at to work on a patch for this?" Similarly "I think Gnopernicus should offer a command to list all of the hyperlinks in a document, and activate them by number. I'm happy to do that work; can you please tell me what module(s) I should look at to work on a patch for this?"

Note: you should always file a bug before sending in your patch, and attach the patch to the bug. Also, for some of these features you might want to see, another alternative is to start by writing a little test program that does what you want to do in a stand-alone app. E.g. an app that waits for focus to go to an object implementing ATK_Hyperlink, enumerating all of the other hyperlinks in that parent/container (going up a few levels), and displaying them in a list. Look at at-poke for some code to crib from, and also especially GOK's UI Grab feature when used with a Hypertext-containing application like gnome-help. In fact, something like this could even profitably be done as a standalone app that you use beside Gnopernicus (a sort of helper application).


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

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