Re: [g-a-devel]Accessibility support in Glade

Damon Chaplin wrote:

> I can't see any libglade code to handle nested <accessibility> elements.
> It only keeps one array of actions/relations/properties for each widget,
> and adds them to the widget in glade_xml_add_accessibility_info().

I think we are talking at cross purposes; I don't understand at all 
what the atkaction stuff has to do with nested <accessibility> elements.
atkaction elements are rightfully children of one accessibility element,
and they are applied to that element.

> I've added a libglade bug about making action descriptions translatable:
> We either move the description text to the contents of the atkaction tag
> and mark it with a 'translatable' attribute, or we update intltool so it
> copies the description attribute to the pot file.

I think I don't understand what you mean here, at least in the
first part of the sentence.  However we do it, the atkaction
description tags should be translated and translatable.

[regarding atkrelations]
> My only concern is that it will confuse the user, as they won't know
> which ones are really useful. (I don't know myself yet.)

We omitted the ones that weren't useful ;-)

seriously, I think that there is not a reliable mapping
of these to widget types that would not end up omitting some
potentially (tho marginally) useful cases.  And trying to 
implement one would mean a lot of branching, and then what about
extra widgets/custom widgets?
> > > Glade GUI
> > > ---------
> > >
> > > I think I'll add a new page to the property editor for a11y.
> > > (I think I'll use an icon in the notebook tab as we don't have much room
> > > for text, especially 'Accessibility'!.)
> >
> > Then of course you will need to provide alt-text for the icon...
> > and set atk_object_set_name () for the notebook tab.
> >
> > If you really only expose two properties, is there a danger of
> > this page just being ignored all the time?  We want this to
> > be as visible as possible without seriously compromising
> > glade's usability.
> My original idea was to have an 'Accessibility' button at the bottom of
> the 'Common' properties page. But I thought developers would ignore
> that, so I decided to use a new property page instead.
> If we did move 1 or 2 properties onto the other pages, we'd still have
> the problem of developers ignoring the other a11y properties. And I
> think it is better to keep all a11y properties together.
> (By the way, do you have an a11y icon I can use for the notebook tab?)

No; as I said I am not keen on using an icon here.  We don't have any
ones... and AFAIK there are no universally accepted ones in the 
accessibility community.  The ole' wheelchair logo looks pretty
dumb in this context I think.

> Damon

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