Re: [g-a-devel]Atk text interface for Stock Ticker applet

Hi Bill,

Below is the gle output for the stock ticker applet.

                             |             +-----GtkLabel
                             |             +-----GtkLabel

Panel Applet is defined in the libpanel-applet library.
The ferret dump shows the button_watcher event gets 
called for Atkobject of BonoboPlug and PanelApplet 
whose role is "frame" and "panel" respectively.

I am confused for which widget I have to implement
AtkText interface.

The problem if I implement AtkText for a subclass of 
GtkDrawingArea is that ferret traverses the object
hierarchy only till PanelApplet. Is there any reason why
the _button_watcher routine in ferret does not get called
for all the objects in the hierarchy?


> jagadeesh banavara wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > For the stock ticker applet I want to implement
> > AtkText interface and a factory for gtk_drawing_area
> > to read the scrolled text (Stock Information) by an AT.
> One issue I have with this is that you should not use
> a factory in this case; factories can only be
> registered against GObject types, and thus you would be
> registering a (new) factory type for "_all_ GtkDrawingAreas".
> If you use this approach you must also change the stock ticker
> to create a new subclass of GtkDrawingArea so that you can
> register a factory for that subtype, not for GtkDrawingArea.


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