[gedit-list] Re: gedit ctags plugin

Op wo, 09-11-2005 te 12:45 +1100, schreef John Pye:
> I just saw your ctags plugin information at
> http://live.gnome.org/Gedit_2fPluginCodeListing. The file seems to be
> missing though. I wasn't clear if it's been taken over by the 'ctag'
> plugin which I saw in ViewCVS (with no files however). Any chance you
> could attach you source code to the wiki page?

Yep. The harddisk where the code resided has crashed. I'm going to try
to get the most important data back sometime soon. I hope I can recover
the ctags plugin I wrote. Though mind that I sort of gave up the plugin
because in my opinion it's a bad design to rely on ctags as an
executable and the ctags file parser is kind of bad too (I've rewritten
it for the plugin). But, it works. You can load a ctags file and a tree
is created in the gedit sidepane.

> Also, if you have any suggestions on how to build your plugin, ideally
> against a 'live' FC4 RPM installation, that would be really helpful.

I'll try to recover the plugin and inform you as soon as possible. In
the meantime you can also find me in the #gedit channel on irc.gnome.org
If you need any help building gedit from cvs (or building a plugin)
that's the place to be. I'll be there frequently (nick: jessevdk)

Jesse van den Kieboom <jesse icecrew nl>

MSN: troplosti orcaweb cjb net
Jabber: jessevdk jabber org
Visit: http://www.icecrew.nl

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