Re: [gdome]reforming libgdome object-oriented-fashion with gobject

Hai Tobias,

> The problem was getting glib 1.2 or 1.3 to compile with cygwin or mingw.
> I finally gave up on this and used a prebuilt dll for which I do not
> have the source code.

At first I used a pre-built glib 2.07, which was built with visual studio. I know use my own version built with CodeWarrior...

> I'd like to see it running before I admit that, but chances are good ;) Could you make it publicly available, together with your modifications?

I've included a zip file with the needed release versions, it includes libxml, glib and gdome2 as dll's and an export lib of gdome2. They were compiled with CodeWarrior but since CodeWarrior doesn't complain about visual c compiled libs they should be compatible...

Also, I haven't tested the release versions lately, but a few weeks ago they were just fine. I upgraded to a new version of CodeWarrior so there might still be some unknown bugs around there... And the debug versions are working just fine in my hobby project which I will publish on the web in a few months...

I'll look up the changes I made, there weren't many, there's no sys/time.h include with codewarrior but there is a time.h and there were 2 places were a void function tried to return a value from a void function, that was all to get it running... Okay, okay, after I ported libtintl, glib and libxml to codewarrior :) I will look it up and if I forgot anything I will let you know...

  I have no web space at the moment so I can't publish it anywhere...


PS. I've sent Tobias a zip file personally, if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll mail them to you...

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