[gdome]Re: reference counting again

Again. Let's see the critical iteration!

  while ((tmpnode = gdome_n_firstChild(newnode, &exc)) != NULL)
      g_print("lives: %d\n", gdome_treegc_livenodes(tmpnode));
      gdome_n_appendChild(root, tmpnode, &exc);
      gdome_n_unref(tmpnode, &exc);
//      gdome_n_unref(tmpnode, &exc);
      g_print("lives left: %d\n\n", gdome_treegc_livenodes(tmpnode));

gdome_n_firstChild() creates the GdomeNode object and also increases the number of live nodes. As you can see in the output, it's number of live nodes are 2. Gdome_n_appendChild() also increases the reference count of tmpnode (and so the no. of live nodes). So that I should dereference tmpnode two times, if I don't want my program leak memory. Just try to run the program in memprof, it shows one GdomeNode object leaks per child. Also you can see the number of livenodes are 2 on each child at the end of the iteration. However, dereferencing tmpnode the second time looks also decrease the reference of it's sibling. It looks correct only for the first child node: at the end of the iteration the number of live nodes equals one. But the next node returned by gdome_n_firstChild() only has one live node, even though nobody wanted to dereference that node. If you don't use gdome_treegc_livenodes(), the iteration may not fail, but the heap is become corrupted. For me it returned NULL getting the document element of new the document.

I also check the real reference count of the (really a) Gdome_xml_Node object and this behaviour looks like an anomaly for me.

  A normal traversal of child nodes is simply the following iteration:
    node = gdome_n_firstChild(root, &exc);
  while (node != NULL)
      /* do sg */
            save = node;
      node = gdome_n_nextSibling(save, &exc);
      gdome_n_unref(save, &exc);
It's just the same, for a new document: you create a GdomeNode object by gdome_n_firstChild() and destroy that reference with gdome_n_unref() (without destroying the xmlNode inside GdomeNode).

  Any working solution for this problem? I really need to have a
function creating a new document from any subtree. Some parts are
missing from the example code such as namespace handling and importing
attributes, but I already have code for these.


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