Re: [gdome]do I need to escape invalid xml characters?

Sorry for the late... 

> When i'm adding text to text node do I need to escape & < etc. or is it
> done for me? 
When you set a string as the new content of a GdomeText node, characters
like default entity references, they are automatically replaced with their
"escaped" version: "&" -> "&amp;", "<" -> "&lt;", and so on.

> Is this ture for all the other types of node ?
No: no for comments, no for cdata sections, no for pi ad so on.
In general if you want to write the character '&' out of a GdomeText node
you have simply to write '&' and also the XML output should be the
same. Only in Text node we have to have "&amp;" but you haven't to worry
about this because Gdome2 does it for you (or better libxml2 does it for

Example. If I want to have the following output in a XML file:
<!-- I like the character & -->
<P&A>Hi rob &amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;!!</P&A>

I have to write something like this:
str = gdome_str_mkref (" I like the character & ");
cmt = gdome_doc_createComment (doc, str, &exc);
gdome_str_unref (str);
str = gdome_str_mkref ("P&A");
el = gdome_doc_createElement (doc, str, &exc);
gdome_str_unref (str);
str = gdome_str_mkref ("Hi rob &&&&!!");
txt = gdome_doc_createTextNode (doc, str, &exc);
gdome_str_unref (str);
tmp_node = gdome_el_appendChild (el, txt, &exc);
gdome_n_unref (tnode, &exc);

Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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