XDMCP setup

I've been trying to setup GDM on my desktop machines and my laptop so
that I can log onto any machine from any other machine using the
chooser.  I've got XDMCP running on all of the X servers, but I can't
seem to get things so that the first thing anyone sees is the chooser,
it just sends me to the login window.  When I start X manually and have
it query one of the XDMCP servers, everything's nice.

I guess my question is how to get the configs so the chooser is always
shown.  I figured that I'd have the laptop query it's own xdmcp in case
it's not attached to the network.  That way it would see that X is at
least running locally.

Thanks for the help...

% Brian Connelly
% connelly purdue edu
% http://www.bconnelly.net

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