Re: GConf in Debian Sarge


After some thinking about this, I think that installing the .schema
files into /usr/share/gconf/schemas is a good idea, having a signal
hander in gconfd to reload is a good idea, but moving various files to
/var is a bad idea.

Havoc's points and arguments for not moving the installed defaults to
/var make sense to me, and I now don't see any problems with the current
setup in /etc/gconf.  It's a small problem that there are
package-generated defaults in /etc which shouldn't be modified by the
local administrator, but these are restricted to a subset of the
defaults tree (/schemas) and I consider this to be insignificant enough
not to worry about.  The rest of the files in
/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults are admin-set defaults and are not changed
by packages.

At least, this is how I see it...

Josselin, this is different from your original proposal -- have any

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
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