Sudenly '/home/me/.gconf/apps/panel' lost ..

Hello there,

after trying to enable the 'dma' option for the 'dvd' harddisk 'hdb' to hear also a dvd-music-trail without chopping i added the line: "options ide-cd dma=1" to '/etc/modules.conf' for "RedHat 8.0". So, for what i have found in the internet, everything runs fine. But when i restart the machine may be next day, and when i switched to 'startx' the panel from '/home/me/.gconf/apps/panel' is lost. The error message told: "Create a file /home/me/.gconf/apps/panel/172,378conf.xml goes wrong: file or directory not found". Delete that line in '/etc/modules.conf' and start again - everything is allright, like before - but i have no activate 'dma' for my 'dvd'.
May be someone could give me a hint - would be great!

Best Regards

Thomas Rump

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