Re: GARNOME 2.8.0

<quote who="Paul Drain">

> GARNOME 2.8.0
> =============
> (the 'at 3am, time is eternal' release.)
> The latest 'somewhat toned down' version of GARNOME distribution for those
> who want a new version of GNOME for regular day-to-day use, but don't want
> to wait until your distribution catches up, is now out and about.

A huge bravo and thank you for Paul, who is doing an immensely cool job
maintaining the stable GARNOME tree. Everyone buy a beer for Paul when you
celebrate GNOME 2.8's release. And then drink it for him too, unless he's
nearby. ;-)

Thanks Paul,

- Jeff

GNOME Boston Summit                                       October 9-11, 2004
   "When there's public debate and mass hysteria, that's when the patches
                         roll in." - Michael Meeks

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