Re: compiling garnoome and disabling a specific package

Jim, Cc'ing the list, as this mail does not seem to be intended
privately only and may be interesting to others as well. Please Reply To
List (or All), until you really want to get back to me privately.

On Sun, 2004-08-22 at 14:32 +0100, Jim Maas wrote:
> Thanks Guenther,
> It is so nice to get things explained in clear language... any
> language!!!  Computereze has to be about the worst.
> Do I not need most of /office as well, I tried erasing it and it went
> nuts!

As you asked...

I recommend building platform/ and desktop/ meta garballs entirely
*only* ('make paranoid-install' in those directories).

Have a look at the other directories (fifth-toe/, geektoys/, hacker-
tools/, office/) and build only what you need. There are likely a lot of
packages that you simply won't need nor want. ;)

You likely don't want to compile broken/, matchbox/, mono/ at all.
Unless you do know for sure, which package.

You do *not* need to delete anything, if you only want to compile some
of the packages. To compile packages on an individual basis, cd to that
dir and compile it. For example evolution:

$ cd office/evolution && make install

This will build evolution (and dependencies) only, pruning any other
package in the office/ meta garball.

You only will need to delete a garball directory (like epiphany), if you
decide to build that entire meta garball (desktop here).

>From the Stable Garnome README:

  Once you have determined if you need bootstrap/, simply return to the main
  GARNOME directory and type:

  cd desktop/
  make paranoid-install

  That's all there is to it! GARNOME will begin to build and install the
  GNOME Desktop release, and everything it needs immediately.

  If you want to build other meta directories or individual modules, just
  change to the appropriate directory and type 'make paranoid-install' or
  'make install' respectively.

  'paranoid-install' is only available for meta garballs and will stop
  building on the first error. Running 'make install' for a meta garball will
  continue building on errors, trying to build other packages.

I recommend this for starters. You can build anything else afterward, if
this is done and works.

Please read the README file carefully, especially the warning about

What's the Garnome version you have? Do you really want to build
Mozilla, rather than continuing using the one already installed?

> PS, please tell a poor ignorant Canadian what YMMV means!!!

Google is your friend -- at least it's mine. ;)

YMMV is an acronym for "Your Mileage May Vary", which in this context
means, results may be slightly different for you, depending on your
Garnome branch and version.

And please: Stop that TOFU -- Text Over, Full quote Under.


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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