Re: Couple of garnome questions.

On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 07:30, Matt Rose wrote:
> 1.  Why does make paranoid-install in desktop ignore environment
> variables?  For example, when I go to compile epiphany, I go into
> desktop/epiphany, type make install, and it fails, complaining about a
> missing gtkmozembed.pc So, I say to myself.  I've already compiled this
> version of mozilla, and I know exactly where it is. so I type in export
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnome26/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH If I go to
> desktop/epiphany it still fails, complaining about the missing
> gtkmozembed.pc file.  If I go to
> desktop/epiphany/work/main.d/epiphany1.2.3/ and type in ./configure &&
> make install, it happily finds the .pc file in the path I specified, and
> compiles epiphany

A few people have complained about this. Could you try out this patch to and see if it makes any difference.

This is basically the way that Konstruct (KDE Garnome) does things.

> 2.  I have quickly discovered the joys of using arch to get the latest and 
> greatest versions of garnome.  What happens when I do a tla-upgrade, it 
> upgrades a few packages, and then I do a make paranoid-install?  Does it 
> only compile the updated packages, or does it go through the whole shebang 
> again?

After a 'tla update' if you run a 'make paranoid-install' it should only
compile the new updated stuff.


Bob Kashani

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