garbuild stats & notes

Just in case anyone wanted to know a few simple stats. I made every
possible garball that I could build and these are the results.

5.9G    /quo/GNOME/garnome-0.27.1 (build dir)
1.5G    /usr/local/garnome        (target dir)

For the ccache fans (I cleaned it before the build):

kck fangorn:/quo/GNOME$ ccache -s
cache hit                           5037
cache miss                         33501
called for link                     4162
multiple source files                240
compile failed                      1271
preprocessor error                   362
not a C/C++ file                    1179
autoconf compile/link               7247
unsupported compiler option           92
no input file                       3801
files in cache                     13784
cache size                         896.5 Mbytes
max cache size                     976.6 Mbytes

And finally some initial GNOME 2.4 testing notes:

- evolution fails to load:
	o  `strace evolution` works for some reason
	o  complains about non-Bonobo objects
	o  from no config to backedup config, it all fails the same
	o  initial mail settings druid works but fails afterwards
- Nautilus:
	o  Faster, much much faster :)
	o  I was able to crash it almost at will (will investigate more)
	o  browsing samba shares sucks 'cause you need to enter your
	   password on _every_ click.
- Panels:
	o  Had difficulty removing icons from the panels, would crash
	   sporadically if I wasn't patient enough.
	o  We can move the application/actions menus around! wow!
	o  the top menu bar is like a regular task bar now
- Gimp:
	o  Crashed on initial startup (after settings druid finished)
	o  Started fine afterwards, seems to load faster too.

Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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