Re: redhat 7.3 and garnome

A better way to make the changes permanent would be to put
'</path/to/gnome2>/lib' into /etc/ Make sure to run ldconfig after
that so the OS is aware of the change (or indeed reboot :)).

Put '</path/to/gnome2>/bin' in your path (export PATH=...), which will be in
/etc/profile. Also put 'export GDK_USE_XFT=1' at the bottom of that file.

If there's an 'exec' in your ~/.xinitrc, change it to read 'exec gnome-session'.
Either re-log in or 'source /etc/profile', then start X.

Or something.

Vichaya Sidhipong had the audacity to claim:

>On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 11:36:52 -0400
>"Trenten R. Healy" <trh gwu edu> wrote:
>> Hi I am a newb to linux and unfamiliar with the instructions on the garnome >
>website about chaning the path in order to boot into garnome when it is done >
>building. Can anyone help explain what i should do when garnome is done >
>building? I am using the latest version of garnome, and redhat 7.3. If any one
>> has any helpful suggestions I appreciate it!



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