Re: Is it safe to remove old gnome now?

<quote who="Johan Bondeson">

> I've successfully installed GARNOME whith all the default settings (except
> the path) and since I will never run the old gnome any more I think it
> would be nice with a little disk space.

I removed a lot of my GNOME 1.x desktop packages a while ago. :-) Works

> pygnome-1.0.53-7
> rhn_register-gnome-1.3.1-1

A lot of the Red Hat stuff is made with python, so you might not want to
remove these if you care about RHN stuff.

> gnome-libs-devel-1.2.8-11

You can remove all the devel packages unless you want to build other GNOME 1

> gnome-pim-1.2.0-9

There's no tarball release of gnome-pim for 2.x, so you might want to keep
this if you don't want it.

> Which can I safely remove and which is still needed?

There's lots of other libraries and stuff without "gnome" appearing in their
package name. Nautilus, eel, for instance.

- Jeff

    "Lord, thy one-liners are as good as thy tricks. Thou art indeed an     
         all-round family entertainer." - Rowan Atkinson, Nazareth          

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