Re: I'm too lazy to provide a real subject

<quote who="Jeremy">

> ...  I still can't find where it says "You can not move Garnome".  What I do
> see, is big letters that say "If you have questions, join our mailing list!" 
> What a joke, people ask questions, and they get insulted.


Sorry, random people answering questions who are more interested in flaming
than helping.

You can't move software once it's been built - the paths are compiled in.
This is true for any software, including stuff installed into /usr, etc.
What you need to do is either rebuild with a different prefix, or use the
software from whereever it is at the moment.

There's no reason - other than simple read/execute permissions - that
another user can't use /home/jdub/garnome. :-)

This is precisely what I do at home for testing.


- Jeff [ who made GARNOME, and is usually only rude to LFS users :-) ]

      "Then it hit me: What I really want is for all edit panes in all      
    applications to be gnuclient processes hooked to a centralized emacs    
                     gnuserver process!" - Gary Murphy                      

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