Re: Icons and cardsets license

Richard Hoelscher wrote:
Sander Marechal said:


Under what license are the icons used for Aisleriot and the cardsets?
GPL? I am creating a Hearts game for GNOME and I'd like to use the
gnome-freecell.png icon and dondorf.svg cardset to start off with. I do
hope to replace them with my own (or contributed) art someday though.

Long story short, if you use any of the art in gnome-games within another
GPL game, you should be just fine.

Great, thanks :-) I thought as much but I wasn't sure.

Long story long, if the icon was created under a compatible-but-non-GPL
license, it'll take a while to dig up that info. However, I can tell you
for certain that dondorf.svg is public domain. You can find more info as
well as basic card templates at

Card templates! I've been looking for those as well. Thanks twice.


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