Re: aisleriot games need to be more consistent, also a question onUnion Square

Callum McKenzie said:
> On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 02:30 +0000, Vincent Povirk wrote:
>> -Where appropriate, double-clicking on foundations should autoplay the
>> foundations (if this is a good idea for klondike, it's probably a good
>> idea for all of the games).
> Yes.

Freecell has always-on autoplay at the moment, but I'm thinking that this
should be a game-specific menu option "Autoplay Foundations", default off
so new players can learn the game. Both double-clicking foundations and
the menu option could be supported at the same time, and other games could
perhaps do this as well.

>> -Should scores be supported on all games, if a scoring system can be
>> devised that makes sense?
> I don't really think so. Patience is inherently about finishing the
> game, not how far you got. In most games a score is just a crude
> progress-report. I am more in favour of removing them entirely to be
> honest.

... says Callum as I add the score-centric Triple Peaks game to Aisleriot.
</plug> ;)

Of course, most games don't need the score, and disabling it on a per-game
basis would be easy after a few tweaks in aisleriot... at the moment, a
single word hack on many of the games would do it.

Finally, I blame Bugzilla's single-line Whiteboard for the multi-game
tracking difficulties. :)

-Richard Hoelscher

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