Hello world

Hi there!

I'm Carlos. At the Guadec I become aware that a Gnome Foundation
existed... and applied to join. And, thanks to somebody, now I'm here!
Thanks again!

Well, I volunteered at the Guadec and, even though I'm studying
Computer Engineering, I don't really like programming. I have a blog
and a podcast (in Spanish) which I devote to free software and I'm
trying to introduce it to regular people as a regular tool and not
some freak-programmer-nerd-software.

I've been the translator for Liferea (the feed reader) and BMP (the
xmms gtk2 port), but dropped it due to the lack of time. I'm trying to
get used to reporting bugs and do some non-programming tasks, like
lurking the wiki, translating stuff and doing propaganda on Gnome.

Well, this is it for now.


Greetings from Carlos Fenollosa
My weblog: http://weblog.topopardo.com
PGP Public key: 0xEE6097FC

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