Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Nov 30

[Oops I forgot to send those last week, Daniel]

     Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Nov 30


  The attendance was low, so we didn't had quorum, but held the telconf
anyway to share informations.


   Owen Taylor (chairing)
   Daniel Veillard
   Dave Neary
   Jody Goldberg
   Federico Mena-Quintero

   Quim Gil


   Murray Cumming
   Jonathan Blandford


   Miguel de Icaza
   Tim Ney
   Luis Villa
   Christian Schaller

Actions completed:


  ACTION: Dave to start looking for vendors to host the GNOME online
     - ongoing

  ACTION: Federico will check with the board checking interest in 
          representing GNOME on LSB Desktop group
     - still open, Federico steals the ACTION from Owen

  ACTION: Owen to make up hiring plans and prepare the associated informations

New Action:

  ACTION: Dave to drive Quim Gil to get a CVS account to edit GUADEC web pages


 * Quim presented the current state of the GUADEC organization.
   We have selected another location close to Barcelona and expect the
   event at the end of June 2006.
 * Logistics of administrator hire
   Starting takes a bit longer than expected.

 * Status of Shaun's work:
   We don't know, Federico got no answers from Shaunm in the last month.

 * Update on GNOME store progress
   The vendor we expected to work with dropped out at the last moment. So
   we are looking for a new online vendor at this point.

 * next meeting Wed 14 December


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat http://redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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