Re: Minutes of Board Meeting: 9 Feb 2004

Am Sa, den 14.02.2004 schrieb Malcolm Tredinnick um 00:04:
> 	ITEM: Malcolm to put up a web page of the conference dates and
> 	      known submission deadlines. Also make available and ICS
> 	      file so that people can have it in their Evolution
> 	      calendars, for example.
> 	      	=> Mail sent to gnome-foundation list.
> 		=> Some updates have already been received.
> 		=> ICS version of this file has been put on hold until
> 		Evolution 1.5 stabilises a bit more.

  I, personally, wouldn't wait for evo 1.5, this calendar could be used
quite easily to show off some evo 1.5 features on events until it's

> 	ACTION: Jeff will pull together a web page of links to
> 		as many of the local groups as he has information for.

  I wouldn't want only a special page for that. If Germans (Germans
aren't known to understand English) visit I would want to
see a small footer of the page that looks like the one on
but instead linking to a translation of that page, linking to some local
pages. We would just need to have a spec that lists requirements to get
listed there and we would need some small team that checks whether
approved pages still meet these conditions (count me as a volunteer rof

> 	ACTION: Leslie will create a press release discussing the
> 		international involvement in GNOME from country-specific
> 		teams.
> 			- Jody to follow this up with Leslie. Some
> 			  progress has already been made.

  It would be great if this could go out within the next 2 weeks as we'd
like to announce the new German association shortly after. Please
(before posting publically, post it to some people to translsate this
press release).

> 	(f) GNOME shop

  Are there any ideas of what to sell exactly?

> 	(g) Replacement machine

  Will this drop pserver based authentication for developers? I read
lots of stuff about pserver and security and we should try to get our
servers as secure as possible.

Sven Herzberg <herzi gnome-de org> · Jabber: herzi jabber org
GNOME Deutschland                  ·

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